Executed projects with UHPC
Take a look at some projects to understand how RDC helped to achieve a valious transition to UHPC in different fields.

Horizon Europe project NATURSEA-PV (2022-2026)
Background: The Horizon Europe project Natursea-PV (Novel Eco-Cementitious Materials and components for competitive, durable and bio-inspired offshore floating PV substructures) funds the research and development of novel materials for substructures oriented to

H2020 project SMARTINCS (2019-2024)
Background: This project is implementing new life-cycle thinking and durability-based approaches to the concept and design of concrete structures, using self-healing concrete, repair mortars and grouts together with key enabling technologies. Part

EMFF project OpenMode (2019-2021)
Background: There are several types of mussel farming systems, of which the most common are the longine (extensive), and the raft (intensive). The last has been traditionally used in Spain due to

H2020 project ReSHEALience (2018-2022)
Background: The durability of concrete structures is particularly difficult to estimate under aggressive environments, where the number and width of the cracks has a significant influence. Project ReSHEALience (Rethinking coastal defence and

H2020 project SELMUS (2016-2017)
Background: After the patent of the UHPC rafts in 2015, RDC required to build full-scale pilots of these floating structures to prove to the farmers their durability and suitability. This shaping strategy

Design of the first UHPC bridge in Spain, located in Beniarjó (Valencia)
Background: RDC designed in 2018 the first UHPC road bridge built in Spain. The solution was required to rebuild a bridge over the Vernissa river, which was destroyed by the floods on

Reparation of a bridge in Alcira with UHPC beams
Background: In 2019, a concrete bridge in Alcira (Valencia) suffered the impact of a truck, which destroyed its two first “double-T” beams. The contractor requested to RDC the design of the new

UHPC flooring for a terrace in a recycling plant in Guadassuar (Valencia)
Background: UHPC performance allows to design large format thin slabs, reducing the installation time and the number of joints in the area covered. In 2017, RDC designed with UHPC the slabs of

Cantilever UHPC swimming pool for a singular house in Valencia
Background: In 2021, RDC designed a 12-m swimming pool with 8-m of cantilever to be installed in a singular house in Chiva (Valencia). Conceiving this structure with UHPC allowed to minimize the

Design of ultra-light UHPC panels for precast housing
Background: The sector of precast buildings has developed dramatically in the last years, existing a wide variety of precasting systems available in the market. For some of them, RDC has designed ultra-light

Design of UHPC footbridge
Background: RDC founders have designed the four UHPC footbridges installed in Spain up to date. For spans between 10 and 35 m, the precast element proposed is a truss with contant depth

Design of ultra-thin UHPC stairs
Background: In singular buildings, stairs can be much more than an element connecting two storeys. They can be a piece of art too. This requires a design adapted to the performance of

Design of floating UHPC structures for mollusc farming
Background: The intensive mollusc farming is an activity carried out in floating farms named “bateas” (rafts in English). These structures have been traditionally made with eucalyptus wood, as it is economic and

Design of floating UHPC structure for the substation of a 5 MW floating PV plant in Alqueva (Portugal)
RDC has designed the floating structure to host the substation of a 5 MW floating PV plant located in Alqueva (Portugal). This dam is the largest in the EU, and the installation is the largest in a EU dam.

Reparation of a 52-m high industrial tower
Background: A factory from an industrial sector (confidential) has a tower to raise material through it. On many occasions, the material falls and impacts against the internal walls (structural), which are also

Design of a perimetral stiffener for a floating PV plant in Alqueva dam (5MW, Portugal)
Background: The sector floating solar energy is experiencing a yearly growth that exceeds the 200% of CAGR. At this moment, the challenge is to face harsher environments, where wind, currents and waves

Rehabilitation of an historical building in the city of Valencia
Background: A construction company is renovating and upgrading an historical building in the center of Valencia (year 2021), which was built in 1900 with timber and load-bearing walls. This 4-floors building will

UHPC (Ultra-High Performance Concrete) is an extremely compact and ductile cementitious composite. Its properties make it perfect for applications where durability or maintenance play a significant role, where a lightweight structure is particularly relevant, or where the slenderness or thickness of piece is is important.

UHPC Consulting
RDC works closely with the client to evaluate the technical, economical and environmental viability of replacing its current solution by UHPC. A tailored premix of Formex® is proposed to maximize the competitiveness of the new element.