The Horizon Europe project Natursea-PV (Novel Eco-Cementitious Materials and components for competitive, durable and bio-inspired offshore floating PV substructures) funds the research and development of novel materials for substructures oriented to floating photovoltaic systems in offshore environments. Particularly, an eco-UHPC is going to be developed for the design of a system composed by beams and floaters. The project includes the construction of pilots by the company PREFFOR for the validation of the developed concepts.
Why to use UHPC?
UHPC is durable and allows the design of light and slender structures. This is particularly beneficial for the offshore environments, where the adaptation of the structure to swell is relevant to minimize the concentration of stresses. In fact, UHPC technology has already been used in floating PV systems in dams with harsh conditions.
- UHPC is resilient, durable, inorganic and easily recyclable.
- The lightness of the solution facilitates its transport, its commissioning and reduces the mooring costs.
- The project will face one of the very few projects with floating PV in offshore waters.